Variety Insurance & Financial Services Ltd
Hair & Beauty

Hair & Beauty
Our ever popular Hair and Beauty policy is designed for all aspects of the Hair and Beauty profession from hairdressers and barbers to beauty salons and make-up artists. Our list of trades catered for is wide and varied and provides cover tailored to their needs. We have many others available and always aim to accommodate, so please contact us if you have a specific treatment or treatments for which your client needs cover.

Tattooing & Piercing
Look all around and you will be sure to see someone sporting a tattoo as body art become ever
more popular. Couple this with piercings and this is definitely a growing area of the market. Our
Tattoo and Piercing product is designed specifically for those people working in this field.Though a business may be run to high standards and in accordance to regulations including health and safety, there is always the risk of exposure to a legal case. Our Legal Expenses comes as a quick and simple add on that offers your client peace of mind and cover in the event they find themselves in the situation where they need legal assistance.
For further information contact our Leisure Managers on 01566 773870 or